Merchandising in a wholesale megastore is an art in itself. Safe Catch, a young tuna brand, competes in this red ocean market among other big brands. Safe Catch needed to stand out within the competitive environment of Costco. Costco has many restrictions on product placements, configurations, layers and displays on the pallet shelves. Safe Catch did not want to alter their unit size.

VNT embarked on design research to come up with a solution that gets the right number of units and the most suitable configurations in order to get the best display and visibility. The research shows that 17 units in one tray is the best for merchandising. We collaborated with Safe Catch graphic team to configure pass limited load heights and pallet size. We prototype, mock up, and iterate until we reach the optimum solution.

Our solution allows packers to configure 17 units a tray easily, and the end design provides maximum graphic exposure on the shelves, creating high visibility and higher numbers of units purchased while following Costco's restrictions.